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Here are some good starting points for browsing.

Here's a title search. Try something like wiki or sandwich.

Use the following for a full text search. This takes a few seconds. The results will show all lines on a given page which contain a match.

In a fuzzy pages search the titles of all pages are examined to find those which are similarly spelled or similar sounding (english).


Separate words with a space. All words have to match.
To exclude words from a title search or full text search, prepend a '-'.
Example: 'wiki text -php' looks for all pages containing the words 'wiki' and 'text', but not containing the word 'php'.

The content of this page is Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Geoffrey T. Dairiki and the other authors of the content, whoever they may be.
This is free information and you are welcome redistribute it under certain conditions; see for details.
Absolutely no warrantee is made as to the correctness of the information on this page.