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Musical sounds are made up of (among other things) harmonic and NonharmonicOvertones. The collection of overtones in a simple fraction-relationship (1/harmonic number) to a played pitch is called the harmonic series.

    <?plugin ?OldStyleTable
    |^ *Drawbar*   |^ *Harmonic*|^ *Interval*  |^   *Footage* |^ *Pitch based on C2*
    |^ 3  | Fundamental     |Unison            |^ 8'     | C2
    |^ 4  | 2nd Harmonic    |Octave            |^ 4'     | C3
    |^ 5  | 3rd Harmonic    |Twelfth           |^ 2 2/3' | G3
    |^ 6  | 4th Harmonic    |Fifteenth         |^ 2'     | C4
    |^ 7  | 5th Harmonic    |Seventeenth       |^ 1 3/5' | E4
    |^ 8  | 6th Harmonic    |Nineteenth        |^ 1 1/3' | G4
    |^10* | 7th Harmonic    |Flat Twenty-First |^ 1 1/7' | B-flat4, but flat
    |^ 9  | 8th Harmonic    |Twenty-Second     |^ 1'     | C5
    |^10* | 9th Harmonic    |Twenty-Third      |^ 8/9'   | D5
    |^11* |10th Harmonic    |Twenty-Fourth     |^ 4/5'   | E5
    |     |11th Harmonic    |Twenty-Fifth      |^ 8/11'  | F5, but sharp
    |^11* |12th Harmonic    |Twenty-Sixth      |^ 2/3'   | G5
    |     |13th Harmonic    |Twenty-Seventh    |^ 8/13'  | A5, but flat
    |     |14th Harmonic    |Flat Twenty-Eighth|^ 4/7'   | B-flat5, but flat
    |     |15th Harmonic    |Twenty-Eighth     |^ 8/15'  | B5
    |     |16th Harmonic    |Twenty-Ninth      |^ 1/2'   | C6


Complete list:

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