Here's a list of standard presets. (Typically, the PresetPanel came from the factory wired to this first set of presets.)
From the Hammond Spinet Organ Playing Guide.
Upper Manual
C#: 00 5320 000. Stopped Flute (pp) D: 00 4432 000. Dulciana (ppp) D#: 00 8740 000. French Horn (mf) E: 00 4544 222. Salicional (pp) F: 00 5403 000. Flutes 8' & 4' (p) F#: 00 4675 300. Oboe Horn (mf) G: 00 5644 320. Swell Diapason (mf) G#: 00 6876 540. Trumpet (f) A: 32 7645 222. Full Swell (ff)
Lower Manual
C#: 00 4545 440. Cello (mp) D: 00 4423 220. Flute & String (mp) D#: 00 7373 430. Clarinet (mf) E: 00 4544 220. Diapason, Gamba & Flute (mf) F: 00 6644 322. Great, no reeds (f) F#: 00 5642 200. Open Diapason (f) G: 00 6845 433. Full Great (ff) G#: 00 8030 000. Tibia Clausa (f) A: 42 7866 244. Full Great with 16' (fff)
Upper Manual
C#: 00 8740 000. French Horn 8' D: 00 8408 004. Tibias 8' & 2' D#: 00 8080 840. Clarinet 8' E: 08 8800 880. Novel Solo 8' F: 60 8088 000. Theater Solo 16' F#: 00 4685 300. Oboe Horn 8' G: 60 8807 006. Full tibias 16' G#: 00 6888 654. Trumpet 8' A: 76 8878 667. Full Theater Brass 16'
Lower Manual
C#: 00 4545 440. Cello 8' D: 00 4432 000. Dulciana 8' D#: 00 4800 000. Vibraharp 8' E: 00 3800 460. Vox 8' & Tibia 4' F: 00 6554 322. String Accomp. 8' F#: 00 5642 200. Open Diapason 8' G: 43 5434 334. Full Accomp. 16' G#: 00 8030 000. Tibia 8' A: 84 7767 666. Bombarde 16'
If you are looking for more useful "pipe organ"-like registrations on the Hammond, this document on "Hammond additive synthesis" yields good drawbar settings:
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