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CHART OF HAMMOND ORGAN STOPS (courtesy of the Leslie Organ Company, Box 1, Leslie, MI 49251)

221 Pipe Organ Stops translated into Hammond Number Registration (without Vibrato)

Background: Back in the late forties when Hammond was trying to sell organs, it was to their advantage to be able to offer "legitimate" organists something that would be somewhat familiar to them when trying to play a Hammond.

Nearly all "legitimate" organists were familiar with the nearly universally used nomenclature for organ stops. Therefore, this list was drawn up to offer them something by way of a guide.

Thus, for the named organ stop, the Hammond drawbar combination was chosen that most closely approached what that name represented. Of course, many of them are not as close as they would have been had the Hammond had more capabilities rather than being the instrument so limited in tonal quality that it is.


Aeoline 8'           00 1321 101
Bass Violin 16'      14 5431 000
Bell Gamba 8'        00 2766 543
Celeste 8'           00 2563 311
Cello 8'             00 1454 432
Cello Pomposa 8'     00 2767 321
Contra Dulciana 16'  65 6000 000
Contra Gamba 16'     37 5400 000
Dulciana 8'          00 7880 000
Echo Dulciana 8'     00 2110 000
Echo Violin 8'       00 1234 321
Etherial Violin 8'   00 1342 322
Gamba 8'             00 3474 432
Gemshorn 8'          00 4742 321
Grand Violin 8'      00 3776 543
Gross Cello 8'       00 3767 542
Gross Gamba 8'       00 4787 542
Gross Gemshorn 8'    00 6876 542
Muted Cello 8'       00 1343 020
Muted String 8'      00 2453 021
Muted Violin 8'      00 1565 120
Octave Gemshorn 4'   00 0507 042
Orchestral String 8' 00 1464 322
Salicional 16'       35 4321 000
Salicional 8'        00 2454 321
Salicional 4'        00 0214 053
Soft String 16'      13 3211 000
Soft String 4'       00 0213 032
Solo Cello 8'        00 1656 331
Solo Viola 8'        00 2475 341
Solo Violin 8'       00 1586 341
String Organ         22 5786 765
String Reed 8'       00 5564 321
Viola 8'             00 2464 332
Viola Celesta 8'     00 2464 221
Viola da Gamba 8'    00 2464 432
Viola D'Amore 8'     00 2433 321
Viola Sorda 8'       00 2232 210
Violetta 4'          00 0114 053
Violin 8'            00 1565 653
Violina 4'           00 0113 064
Violine 16'          26 3432 000
Voix Celeste 8'      00 2565 233


Aeolodicon 16'       44 4422 000
Baritone 8'          00 5545 431
Bassoon 8'           07 8120 000
Bass Tuba 16'        86 7421 000
Bell Clarinet 8'     00 6174 432
Bombarde 16'         86 8410 000
Brass Fanfare 8'     01 5788 770
Brass Trumpet 8'     01 5878 870
Bugle 8'             00 5885 420
Chalumeau 8'         00 4142 321
Chorus Reed 8'       00 7777 411
Clarinet 8'          00 4161 432
Clarion 4'           00 0807 087
Contra Clarinet 16'  54 2221 000
Contra Fagotto 16'   64 7432 000
Contra Oboe 16'      15 3210 000
Contra Saxophine 16' 86 7100 000
Contra Trombone 16'  68 8710 000
Contra Trumpet 16'   67 7732 000
Contra Tuba 16'      88 8875 000
Cornet 8'            00 5656 541
Cornet D'Amour 8'    00 3434 321
Corno di Bassetto 8' 00 7141 432
Corno Dolce 8'       00 3433 210
Double Clarinet 16'  54 2221 000
Double Oboe 16'      15 3101 000
Double Trumpet 16'   67 7721 100
Dulcian 16'          44 2211 000
Dulcian 8'           00 4232 010
Echo Oboe 8'         00 1241 210
Echo Waldhoen 8'     00 3132 010
English Horn 8'      00 2574 322
Euphone 16'          44 4321 000
Euphonium 16'        75 8500 000
Fagotto 8'           00 6754 100
Fanfare 8'           01 4888 872
Field Trumpet 8'     01 4787 860
Flugel Horn 8'       00 5777 560
French Bugle 8'      01 6878 760
French Horn 8'       00 7656 000
French Trumpet 8'    00 7888 872
Harmonic Oboe 8'     00 1373 432
Harmonic Trumpet 8'  03 7888 860
Harmonic Tuba 8'     03 8888 870
Heckelphone 8'       00 4554 400
Hunting Horn 8'      00 7464 320
Labial Tuba 8'       00 8786 430
Mellophone 8'        00 5777 540
Military Fanfare 8'  01 7788 870
Musette 8'           00 1260 211
Oboe 8'              00 3562 320
Oboe Horn 8'         00 4676 310
Octave Oboe 4'       00 0213 071
Ophicleide 8'        04 8888 882
Orchestral Oboe 8'   00 2372 431
Orch. Trumpet 8'     00 6788 870
Oriental Reed 8'     00 1561 430
Posaune 8'           00 7887 431
Post Horn 8'         00 6677 650
Reed Chorus          84 8888 874
Saxophone 8'         01 8763 431
Solo Tuba 8'         01 7787 770
Tromba 16'           85 8632 000
Trombone 8'          01 8767 760
Trumpet Fanfare 8'   01 6787 880
Trumpet Imperial 8'  00 6788 870
Tuba 8'              03 6888 870
Tuba Chorus          84 8888 885
Tuba Magna 8'        01 8888 880
Tuba Major 8'        02 8888 770
Tuba Minor 8'        00 4444 432
Tuba Sonora 8'       02 7788 880
Vox Humana 16'       20 4033 100
Vox Humana 8'        00 2510 520
Waldhorn 8'          00 3232 210


Amorosa 8'           00 5121 000
Amorosa 4'           00 0501 020
Bass Flute 16'       51 4000 000
Blockflote 8'        00 5320 000
Blockflote 4'        00 0513 010
Bourdon 16'          81 0000 000
Chimney Flute 8'     00 5330 100
Clarabella 8'        00 6320 000
Clear Flute 4'       00 0603 000
Concert Flute 4'     00 0500 020
Concert Piccolo 2'   00 0005 000
Contra Flute 16'     32 0000 000
Dolcan 8'            00 7310 000
Double Melodia 16'   63 5000 000
Duophone 8'          00 4510 000
Echo Bourdon 16'     40 0000 000
Echoflote 8'         00 3100 000
Echoflote 4'         00 0301 000
Fife 2'              00 0006 001
Fife 1'              00 0000 006
Flageolet 2'         00 0008 002
Flautino 2'          00 0005 003
Flute 16'            50 4000 000
Flute 8'             00 5400 000
Flute 4'             00 0504 000
Flute 2'             00 0005 004
Forest Flute 8'      00 6220 000
Full Flute 8'        00 8760 000
Gedektflote 4'       00 0703 000
Harmonic Flute 8'    00 4531 000
Harmonic Flute 4'    00 0504 021
Harmonic Piccolo 2'  00 0005 003
Keraulophone 8'      00 6433 000
Kleingedekt 8'       00 4300 000
Kleingedekt 4'       00 0500 000
Major Flute 8'       00 6530 000
Minor Flute 8'       11 2000 000
Nachthorn            00 4120 000
Oboe Flute 8'        00 4241 000
Open Flute 8'        00 8510 000
Piccolo 2'           00 0007 004
Prinzipalflote 8'    00 8550 000
Prinzipalflote 4'    00 0806 040
Rohrflote 8'         00 6230 100
Schongedekt 8'       00 6000 000
Spire Flute 8'       00 6230 000
Spitzflote 8'        00 4441 100
Stopped Diapason 8'  00 8010 000
Stopped Flute 8'     00 6020 000
Stopped Flute 4'     00 0600 020
Tibia 16'            84 0000 000
Tibia 8'             00 8040 000
Tibia 4'             00 0800 030
Tibia Clausa 8'      00 8030 000
Tibia Flute 4'       00 0800 030
Traversflote 8'      00 4521 000
Voce Flebile 16'     83 0000 000
Vogelflote 4'        00 0506 000
Waldflote 8'         00 6340 000
Zartflote 8'         00 7431 000


Bass Open Diap 16'   86 8542 000
Bell Diapason 8'     00 8866 540
Cathedral Diap 8'    00 7765 420
Choir Diapason 8'    00 7644 321
Diapason Phonon 8'   00 8876 651
Diap Profunda 16'    87 8644 220
Diapason Magna 8'    03 8866 541
Doule Diapason 16'   85 8432 200
Echo Diapason 16'    43 4220 000
Echo Diapason 8'     00 4321 100
Flute A Pavillon 8'  00 8866 540
Grand Diapason 16'   87 8641 000
Grand Diapason 8'    00 8856 540
Grand Diap Chorus    87 8877 545
Grand Prinzipal 8'   02 8865 430
Harmonic Diap 16'    86 8534 100
Harmonic Diap 4'     00 0706 045
Horn Diapason 8'     00 8887 640
Major Diapason 16'   88 8753 000
Major Diapason 8'    03 8877 641
Minor Diapason 8'    00 8766 540
Octave 4'            00 0805 010
Octave Harm  Diap 4' 00 0706 045
Open Diapason 8'     02 8876 540
Prestant 8'          00 8766 322
Prestant 4'          00 0707 054
Prinzipal 8'         00 8875 530
Solo Diapason 16'    86 8534 000
Solo Diapason 8'     02 8865 441
Solo Diapason 4'     00 0828 055
Stopped Diapason 8'  00 8020 000
Swell Diapason 8'    00 8765 320
Viola Diapason 8'    00 8786 231
Violin Diapason 8'   00 8675 431
Wood Diapason 16'    84 8310 000
Wood Diapason 8'     00 8754 320
Wood Diapson 4'      00 0807 045


Bells 8'             00 3504 002
Chimes 8'            00 3700 000
Harp 8'              00 3800 000
Marimba 8'           00 8005 000
Vibraharp 8'         00 7000 000
Xylophone 8'         00 8000 270

The content of this page is Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Geoffrey T. Dairiki and the other authors of the content, whoever they may be.
This is free information and you are welcome redistribute it under certain conditions; see for details.
Absolutely no warrantee is made as to the correctness of the information on this page.