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Detailed view of a page, which is probably more useful for debugging than anything else.

Querying backend directly for 'DebugInfo'

TransformedText Object
    [_content:protected] => Array
            [0] => <div class="wikitext"><p class="tightenable top">Detailed view of a page, which is probably more useful for debugging
than anything else.</p>

            [1] => Cached_PluginInvocation Object
                    [_pi:Cached_PluginInvocation:private] => <?plugin _BackendInfo page||='' ?>
                    [_tightenable:Cached_PluginInvocation:private] => 2

            [2] => </div>


    [_basepage:CacheableMarkup:private] => DebugInfo
    [_description:CacheableMarkup:private] => 
    [_buf:protected] => 
    [_type:TransformedText:private] => PageType_wikitext Object

 hits  6464
 locked  1
 %content  Detailed view of a page, which is probab ...
 mtime  1045286536

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This is free information and you are welcome redistribute it under certain conditions; see for details.
Absolutely no warrantee is made as to the correctness of the information on this page.